Riding Low at Shing Mun River

by Renee Asenguah

With everything in Hong Kong built to touch the sky, we climb mountains for that panoramic skyline. But don’t overlook the water, this is where it’s at.

After all, every day is relaxing when you’re traveling! Rather than sweating it out on some intimidatingly named mountain (a.k.a Dragon’s Back), travel like a local to Shing Mun River for some sea-level chilling instead. 

Sha Tin Park: Cultural Glimpse  

It’s hard to imagine open air anything in Hong Kong if you limit yourself to the downtown districts. Take the train to Sha Tin station and cut through New Town Plaza Mall to reach Sha Tin Park; you’ll find an intimate traditional Chinese garden in one corner, and tai-chi practicing grannies in another.

Note: Don’t be alarmed by the many tourists you might see inside the mall. They rarely discover there’s beauty and tranquility outside.

Shing Mun River: Shining, Shimmering, Splendid

With Sha Tin being a relatively residential area, jogging locals and casual elderly stroll along this river front recreational area. What makes this locale special? Its biking trail.

Stretching the 7-kilometer path along the river is a colorful strip denoting a bicycle path. Whether you choose to walk or cycle, complete the loop before you return across the river to the concrete jungle (just in time for afternoon tea!).

Note: The bicycle rental shop is just a little to the left of where Sha Tin Park leads down to the promenade. 

You can cross over the river on any one of the pedestrian bridges. Crank out Adele’s “hello from the other side” for the perfect soundtrack!

Credits: Maple Ip (leafmecurious.com)

Maple has written post and Renee the owner of the blog has edited.


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